By PNG Echo
Well is he really? Engan, that is.
Polye lived the majority of his life in Mt Hagen. Perhaps that’s why his elevation to the position of MP for Kandep sticks in the craw of so many.
Because, in an electorate that’s riven with internecine violence, Polye’s rise to power has hardly been a unifying force – quite the opposite.
He has the dubious honour of an attempted assassination on his life during a political rally in Kandep in 2007.
It’s clear that this ‘true son of Enga’, is not loved by all.
Election shenanigans

The gunman may have been enraged about the voting practices that had a National Court in Waigani (August 2009) order that the 2007 election result in Kandep (a Polye win) be set aside and a by-election called.
The sitting judge said it was hard to believe some of the polling stations could return 100% votes for a candidate.
But if the original vote was suspect, the subsequent by-election was no different.
A disgruntled voter told PNG Echo:
Counting [in the by-election] should have happened in Wabag [Enga Province]. However, “due to security concerns,” [according to Polye] the ballot boxes were transported from Enga, to Hagen, to Simbu and then ended up in Goroka where counting was allowed.
He went on to explain:
Four days on the road – plenty of time for ballot stuffing. Not surprising he [Polye] won by another ‘landslide’.
By 2012, though, things had been sorted.
There was no longer any need to ship the ballot boxes all over the countryside as Returning Officer, Naipet Kea, was prepared: taking charge of the ballot boxes and smoothing the way for Polye’s eventual win (whatever that means).
In fact, Polye was so convinced of his eventual victory that he had himself ‘declared’ ahead of reaching an absolute majority. Polye (and one of his wives) were large presences in Kandep; there to claim victory.
Election violence
Violence at election time in Enga Province is amongst the worst to be found in a country renowned for the violence that surrounds elections – and 2012 was no different.

It was reported that just before the elections there were three “Engan MPs” amassing firearms. Photographs were posted on the internet, of Polye’s cousins and even his son, posing with firearms around this time.
Described as a ‘Warlord’, it’s a fitting title for Polye: a ‘Big Man’ leading a bellicose tribe.
In fact, the main protagonists in Kandep’s violence are Polye’s Kambirup Tribe and the Akulya tribe that has, at its head, Alfred Manase (an aspiring, but losing, parliamentary candidate).
So while it may be tribal violence that is the effect in Kandep, its causes are political

In the 2012 election violence, Kandep Station was destroyed. 70% of public servants houses were razed when fighting broke out.
The human cost was in the vicinity of 100 lives.
The consequences of the conflict may have been avoided had the ‘firearms raid’ by Engan police, leading up to the elections, been pursued vigorously.

On the contrary, it has been alleged, by a reputable source, (and easily verifiable by those that have custody of the records) that Polye had the Provincial Police Commander responsible for the firearms bust, Teddy Tei, replaced with Martin Lakari (known to be beholden to Polye) and all the police personnel involved transferred to different provinces.
If there is any veracity to this allegation, then Polye has Engan blood on his hands.
Are these the “Services to the people of Kandep” to which Her Majesty the Queen was referring when she bestowed the prestigious award on the Hon Treasurer?
Am currenty living and working here in mt hagen,that’s true and real.I heard the story and I have somthing interesting and that proves to me.
You can criticise me at the best of your ability. The truth always stands tall amidst the false at the end of the day.
I take criticisms as a blessing and praises as a gift.
I have survived my political career against those with evil plans.
You can say Don or the government is corrupt with misconstrued facts but some of us are not. We have lived through tests of time.
I ask you to lodge your complaints with the Ombudsmen Commission or other authorities.
I am the only Member of Parliament to win by Primary Vote counts since 2002 General Elections. This has clearly shown the desire, trust and value the people of Kandep have in my leadership.
I challenge the people with vested interest to forget politics and work to develop Kandep, not destroy it through releasing false claims that may incite unrest. The Kandep people have trusted me to be honest and true and challenge those false witnesses who hide behind pack of lies to disrupt services and progress in Kandep.
I remain committed to developing Kandep for a better tomorrow and urge all critics to stop spreading lies and work in partnership with me if they truly have a concern to transform Kandep.
If you want to prove me wrong, challenge me come 2017 elections and the people will decide who is their best choice.
In which case consider yourself truly blessed.
Don, you are a man full of pride and never restaining on your ego. In fact, you are undeserving of any title compared to Action Governor Ipatas or your other political counterparts past and present. Alas, you will surely be forgotten in PNG poliitcal history. I laugh at you and so do other Engans..
Mr. Polye, should you wish to contact me, please do so through this website or I am not convinced that the new facebook profile, only recently put up, is indeed DPP owing to the fact that that DPP hails from Wewak, apparently. Should the Facebook profile be false, then the comment I am replying to is also not from DPP because a version of the same thing is reproduced on the FB page. I have replied to the inbox message left by the person who put up the new DPP facebook page.
Polye, you are watching a screen server all goodies happening to you, all will disappear one by one. Take this as an advice not don’t let these facts hurt you.You forgot few things. You are son of a unknown lower class Kamprip crippled man. You are considered a top and high level trick star claiming you are a bastard with your father spread over all parts of Kandep. You collected too much pigs and monies from very poor people who are expecting you to change their lives forever with your repayments. You possess a worse character, that is very high ego and energy to gain power at all means. Many of us close to you for many years have realised that you have fake character for the public and real evil character inside you. That means, you allow your supporters and other factions to kill each other and pretends to be innocent with calling the Lord’s name. You are in fact a rebellious person with your agenda focus on maintaining you power than people who empower you. You do not know what it feels to be a person from Kandep, the district you represent. Kandep has a tough climate and living in that district is a matter of survival of the fittest. Your have failed our people. Provide us accounts of how many students have you produced from Kandep High School into tertiary institutions during your term. How many health services, roads, education institutions, prevented tribal fights and economic growth activities encouraged compared number of people killed. THE Party denotes a very evil intention similar to the fall of Lucifer from the throne of God. The word “THE” is synonymous with “I” and refers to a singular and popularity, chest beating in English language. I know you did not mean it but your party challenges God.. You have proved to all very intelligent and critical people around the country, you are one of the top secretive and bad leaders. that is blunt!!!! I know!! All the people killed in Kandep, died from curable diseases and kids missed education will haunt you down… remember,,, you directly supplied guns and monies for tribal wars is the worse thing a leader can do.. you have committed all the sin forbidden in bible,, if you do not give up politics you definitely will lose your own life.. you are not doing enough… either give up or God will punish you…Kandep people have been praying…you have done enough damage…. better resign and enjoy your life with your many wives and children… that’s the best option..
True leaders are open to criticisms and admit their wrongs and are open to peoples opinions, but make the final decisions in the best interest of the people and the country. If they are honest and transparent in their roles, they will be defended by the people. If you find out that you are defending yourself all the time and there is no support from good standing Papua New Guineans, then its clear something is wrong. Straight forward answers and comments to the questions and allegations raised on this post is a good start.
Mr Polye,
We Engan’s know the brutal fight that went on in Kandep, the lives of people lost and the suffering of the innocent lives because of you and Alfred Manase’s Political indifference.
As I read your comment, I see that you have not mentioned anything about the fight and your involvement; weather to worsen it or solve it. Why could you Lie. You will only be remembered for your selfish ignorance and initiating a fight that claimed HUMAN lives..
The STATE AND THE CONDITION OF THE PEOPLE IS A TRUE REFLECTION OF THEIR LEADERS!! Kandep’s Condition is a true reflection of your Leadership.
It is sometimes wise to humble your Ego and Publicly accept your downfall to rise above them.
Don Polye has pronounced at public speeches his faithfulness to only one wife. Could more information be provided on the names of all his wifes and their origins? The more detail, the better convinced that at long last, the truth about this corrupt rotten villain is coming out!
Quite a number of them, of all races, and classes.
Papau New Guinea will never get back to the stage it was in the 70’s 80’s and early 90’s. Those years were the best years of PNG as a nation, it was well on the road to prosperity but then came greedy politicians who started to amassed themselves with wealth from the nation. started by Paias Wingti and his cronies sending money to offshore banks. Then successive politicians that went in started to get money left right centre and defend themselves vigorously in court with lawyers who are out to defraud the country as well. they get the best lawyers money can buy to defend them and they get away with it all the time. No one can touch the politicians not event the law can put them behind bars. Papua New Guinea will never prosper into a beautiful nation it ought to be. Everyone is for himself or herself, comes election time and they go out claiming to be “GOD FEARING” a lot to be desired. Surely you can not be a “GOD FEARING” man or woman and defraud your country or denied your country man, woman, and children of their basic services..
Wingi’s financial monkey business was only copying Julius Chan as his mentor. Chan was the original loophole king and that’s why he could never be taken to the ombudsman (just like Don Polye). They may use that as their proof of honesty but in reality is their medal of cunningness, deception, and poor ethics.
Don Polye’s short lived events only for his great egos will put future of his kandep people and PNG in jeopardy on development needs while he is forever after his glories everywhere. There is a new trend in PNG where Polye has set as a precedent to get qualifications while being an MP. I am wondering & others may also that, are they really working for what they are getting because there are rumours circulating that such people with high rank & responsibilities have no time to get what it takes to achieve. He has B. Civil, MBA, CMG and then his awaiting free rewards are PhD, Prof. & Sir…Chief? Hahahaha! man it’s not what you build on your CV makes difference but your true color of performance! PNG & World is having good time laughing at your stupid ego! Get down your knees and serve your people. Enough of making fool out of yourself. You have done enough damages to your people. Remove your dirty thoughts and be a leader and not a great enemy to your people.
Don Polye, you were born a leader, fine. But, be rest assured that you have not become the leader you were born to be, yet. It is a pity that you will die not becoming one, because you are engaging in all the wrong kinds of activities, the kinds that will not get you any closer to becoming the leader you were born to be. If you can humble yourself a little, you could leave just a little legacy for your true son from your legally wedded wife, Sharon Polye. You do not want to be history, do you?
Don Pomb Polye is a man of great depth of wisdom, integrity and above all, patience. You need to know the man before criticizing with mere allegations, assumptions and misconstrued facts.
He stood steadfast with Sir Michael Somare through circumstances any ordinary leader could not withstand. He decided to stick with Somare when Dr Temu broke ranks. Polye was stripped of Deputy PM that denied him the acting PM role when Sir Michael was away sick. Sir Michael appointed Sam Abal from his sick bed, even though Abal was not a Regional NA Party Leader. As if this was not enough, Abal stripped Polye of his Works Ministry and appointed Peter O’Neill and gave Foreign Affairs to Polye. Foreign Affairs was stripped again from Polye when he was still abroad for government businesses and was reduced to an ordinary MP. Polye never said or did anything through all these humiliating events. While all these was going on, the people of PNG screamed for the immediate removal of NA from power. Pastors, Priests the rest of the Christian fraternity prayed openly to remove NA regime lest you forget.
Anyway, when Polye was still abroad, NA President and Abal conspired to oust Polye from the NA Highlands Regional Leader post but failed miserably. As per NA constitution, only the current regional leader was supposed to call for a convention/meeting to change the leader. So, Don Polye called for a NA Regional Convention and was reinstated as NA Highlands Regional Party Leader.
What happened next is more or less what you see today. So again, please know the man before firing off unsubstantiated allegations/accusations or whatever the rumor mongers whisper to you.
By the way, I am not from Enga nor am an associate of Polye in any way.
“Forbearance is the hallmark of his creed” as Mary Poppins sang of the chimney sweep, Bert. And I think that is certainly true of Don Pomb Polye – whether it’s a political virtue though, is doubtful – just leaves you wondering why?
If you are an associate of Polye or honour the type of ego and greed driven attributes he possess…you’re a much lower being than Don Polye himself….
Don Pomb Polye has done great for Kandep and PNG as a whole. Lets stop attacking his reputation. Instead, lets only thank God for sending to mankind stars like Don Pomb Polye so that precious goodness could illuminate out of such people for all to be blessed with.
Don Pomb Polye, is a duly elected Member for Kandep, who proved to the courts, the governments, people of Papua New Guinea and the world in 4 different tests.
His leadership has also been recognized by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund when he was appointed the chairman. And this is hardly a person from a country like PNG would have. This shows that even people abroad have confident in his leadership.
You, I hope, a political rival in Kandep, should put aside your dirty politics and work together with your Hon MP to provide those basic services that you identified in those parts of the expectorate.
Posting all negative comments about a national and international figure is utter shameless. No time for politics.
If you or your supporter failed to mastermind the number in the preceding election, and if Polye did that, try and pull your socks up in the 2017 elections. No time to hide behind the screen attaching a national leader and the senior minister.
I’m not from Kandep but I know from regular visits to the electorate the service delivery in that electorate is far more any other electorates have in the country. You try and compare with other electorates where most senior MPs and PMs come from.
Polye has done so much to the people of Kandep since day one. And the people of have spoken in different elections-2002, 2007, 2008, 2012
Tribal fight is the only problem. It destroys most of those infrastructure services already establish by the Hon MP. If there was not fight, I tell you, Kandep would be a model district in Papua New Guinea.
You are wasting your time sitting down posting shits here and there. Instead, go back to your electorate, secure some funds from your MP, and have some awareness etc.. to stop your Kandepeans from tribal fights and violence in your district.
I did have praise for Don Polye about 10 or so years ago. Having followed him very closley, I have a change of heart lately.
I am lost to see how the Don Polye that I know at the Avi Block camp have become so and so rich overnight.
I was told that he was at one stage contemplating suicide because he could not come up with the K22,000 or so court fine or being decleared bankrupt when he lost his petition against then Kandep MP Mr Jimson Sauk, before the 2002 elections. He was rescued by one of his brothers who worked at a mine somewhere, who came up with the money. Hence he was free to contest the 2002 election which he won.
Don the suicidal has become Don the master. How can a three term MP be so filty rich that he can live a life that not even Bill Gates can live.
How can he support two wives living in Australia (one in Brisbane & one in Cairns), where average daily expense would be around $400, thats about $800/day (K2,500/day), or $11,200/fn (~K30,000/fn) or ~ K60,000/month or ~K700,000/year. Does he earn a salary of K700,000?
He also supports two other wives in PNG? That must be about K500,000/yr for both.
But wait, he owns a lot of houses in Port Morseby but does not live in those. He lives in an apartment at the Grand Papua, spending about K2,000/night of tax payers money (even Bill Gates cant do that) or K750,000/yr.
Man, this humble & poor Don that I know, I’m told flys to Australia every fortnight or so as well to spend the weekends. Who picks up these bills? I’m sure its the people of Kandep, who I’m told worship him.
Just this morning, when I was driving up to Mt Hagen, I saw a croud of about 3,000 people or so at his Avi camp, I had to wait for about 5 minutes or so before I could proceed as a lot of traffic & people jammed into his place. I asked a by stander what was happening and he told me, Prime Minister & Treasurer Mr Don Polye is purchasing new cars & bringing in pigs, donkeys, snakes etc to go into Kandep to compensate the 400 or so people who lost their lives in the tribal warfare two years ago.
Each one of the deceased will receive a vehicle each, with pigs, donkeys etc. It gets worse here, my friend then told me, its not a compensation, it is what we call ‘Bel Kol”. He will pay the bel kol this week or so and then the actual compensation, may be before the election (as bribes). This is history in PNG or the highlands. From where I come from (Jiwaka), we dont pay bel kol, we pay the compensation once & for all and I believe thats the same throughout the Highlands and PNG.
Or Don, what are you doing. Where did you get all this wealth? As an MP & senior minister in the last 10 years, you have wealth as far as the eye can see. My question is Sir, How did you become so rich.
I have some Kandep imagrants living with me & they paint a different story of kandep. They paint a Kandep where there is no Police, there is no ambulance, there is no functioning health service, there is no court house & law & order, there are no public servants. People are living in fear.
You go around the country preaching about peace, hardwork, education – yet your Kandep is at war (with your guns), schools are closed and you buy vehicles & pigs & dogs to compensate them with your own money? Shame on you.
They also tell me that your last visit to Kandep with 7 or so ministers, people who attened were hired or paid to come to the gatherings. Dancers from mulitaka were hired to come. Those present were just your supportes and your hired people.
Are you the true son of Kandep or the true son of Avi?
What a shame? What a leader?
I was once your admirer, I’m glad that time can reveal the real Don.
PNG and Kandep would be better off without you.
Patrick Talu (hiding behind pen name Max Pain), a cousin brother of Hon. Don Polye’s closest rival should post nothing but the truth. All these that you posted are all misconstrued facts which unfriendly invited a defamatory lawsuit against you. Everyone in Kandep, Enga, Highlands and PNG as a whole see a better PNG through Don Polye. He is even regarded as a ‘mini-god’ in the region. Such comments by someone with vested interests like you will never destroy his political career. If you want to do so, go to polls come 2017 General Elections to test your worth for Kandep open. Hats off to Great Hon Don Pomb Polye. We are betting on you. The country is in your capables hands to lead us through rough and calm waters of PNG economy.
Don Polye is the god n hero of Enga. People may critise him but I believe they are pure lies who have zealous mind. Although m not from Kandep, there are many changes in term of infratstructure. I heard from many Kandapens that as long as he lives he will be there god, hero and MP. Full support from SMK chief.
Can someone report him to the Ombudsman commision and the Sweep Team to investigate him and bring his 3 sons showing off their high powered firearms to justice.
Or does teh goverment have a different law where politicians and their family can own highpowered guns and instigate tribal fight as is the case with Polye’s tribe in Kandep. I have confirmed that the 3 guys holding 3 high-powered firearms are Don Polye’s biological sons.
Please, report this to the Ombudsman Commission.
Hi Don, by now you should have noticed how much hatred and illfeeling most PNGeans developed towards many of our politicians on the many issues we are facing and you unfortunately happen to be the one picked by this post for the cross fire. Honestly speaking I am not a fan of any politician, neither do I want to become judgemental of their doings in both public and private. I will not deny the fact that any one of us as humans are weak and can easily be tempted and corrupted by the world. For many our fight to be upright, morally corrected and to stand firm for the truth in our various calls of duty have been tested so hard overtime and that its sad to say for many have failed miserably over years. I should say its a fierce battle. We all fight every day in all our various capacities as a politician & bureaucrat or as a simple school teacher.
Mr. MP I want to tell to you that this battle is not meant for the weak. TRUE VICTORY IS ONLY FOR THE STRONG and it does not matter whether you are a God fearing person who goes for every Sabbath on Saturday with your tie on. I have seen people of your calibre; politicians, bureaucrats, business executives, senior servants, you name it, for so long thought that winning an election, accumulating wealth, having a big paycheck, prestige, climbing up ranks or making name for oneself in the society would satisfy them and ultimately give them victory. No sir! These does not give them victory but tortures them and give them restless nights! What a pity you can’t gain victory through such means. So what is it, you might ask. And I am pleased to tell you that the true secret of gaining victory is:
SELF DENIAL. If you can ONLY deny your cupidity for materialism and self pleasure you will surely find TRUE VICTORY.
Sir, its a pity we still become fools in our everyday conduct. For goodness sack when can we for a minute sit back, open our eyes and see the whole truth before us. What is the gain in accumulating the fame & the wealth when we have a clock on the wall ticking saying you have a few years, couple of months, less than 30 days, and some minutes to leave the planet? You are a fool if you didn’t know that!. Find some time to read Ecclesiastes on King Solomon’s in-depth understanding on materialism and I am sure it will help you.
Now before I finish, our good MP I will leave some few thoughts that I would demand your serious consideration.
To gain victory;
– Find where you are now. You are not done yet. So you have this time to prove to your critics wrong. It starts today. Forget about your past or what others may have said. You can correct it now and i mean today. And for the recent developments, Rejoice only if you know in your heart that your decision to back off from the USB US$1.2 billion deal and consequential losing of your treasurer post is an act of self denial.
And always let your sub-conscious mind guide you and not your emotions and human flesh take control.
Polye’s first count win in the elections are made easy and possible by our Electrol Commissioner, Andrew Trawen. It is believed that Polye gives huge amount of money to EC so that EC can favour him and do anything under the sun to return polye as MP.
Hi Nehemiah, Is it possible that you have some sort of proof? With defamation threats littering the airwaves of PNG’s publications, I have to point out that PNG Echo does not have any proof of your allegation and has no knowledge of its veracity. But should you have that proof, I would be happy to publish. Thank you for your contribution.
All comments against DPP is hard to swallow.