As the festive season fast approaches, at PNG Echo we would like to leave you with a few reflections and a few ‘thank yous’.
By PNG Echo
Well may we wish everyone a ‘happy new year’ but for many PNGeans, it will be an empty wish.
For happiness and prosperity to be spread wide corruption must stop. It is taking away PNGeans birthright and will deprive your children of a bright future.
PNG Echo is all about exposing corruption and halting its trajectory (with your help) – and so far, you, the people of Papua New Guinea have been magnificent – we couldn’t have achieved what we have without you…
…and we have made some significant inroads.

As I write, more questions are being asked about corruption in Kandep associated with the Wasa Bridge – even as a shameless government, last week, proudly launch the building and funding of this bridge: a duplication of that which was funded, partially paid for and commissioned 4 years ago.
They hope the people don’t know about what went before – well now they do.
Thumbs up to you, the whistleblowers.
We also played a significant part in the Mineral Resources Development Company’s heightened awareness of what’s going on in companies under their jurisdiction. They tell us they’ve instructed an audit. A result.
Again, thumbs up to the whistleblowers.

Furthermore, when PNG Echo weighed in on the situation of the alleged gang rape by police and the subsequent imprisonment of a complainant in Wewak it was in one accord with women’s organizations and other concerned citizens.
Collective action, of which we were part, galvanized the Minister of Police into action – using the power of the press, the internet and social networking and media – a force to be reckoned with that will just get much stronger.
There will be decreased opportunity for the unscrupulous to act with impunity – because no one knows what’s going on. We’ll tell them.
In the new year, we will be following up issues raised in our ‘Lest we forget’ feature. Our first feature in this category on the COI Finance brought this issue into timely focus and we will be following, with interest, its progress.
To all those brave PNGeans who have sent me information and have not seen anything published, rest assured that there are many stories on the drawing board that are still being researched and/or put together – I haven’t forgotten.
Knowledge is power and it’s knowledge that will weaken corruption’s hold.
All I want for Christmas…
For Christmas, PNG Echo wants your information on corruption. Our pledge to you is that we will use the information to expose the guilty while protecting the innocent whistleblower.
Towards a brighter and more prosperous future for every PNGean – not just the unscrupulous.
Together we can do this.
Let’s make sure no unscrupulous deal is a secret anymore.
Thank you

A special ‘thank you’ to Tony Stone, PNG Echo‘s mining editor for his excellent insights and contributions.
Being that no position at the PNG Echo is a paid one, we are so lucky to have him on board.
But most of all, thank you to the whistleblowers and the readers who have lent their support.
We will be closing down for the Christmas break but will be back in January (13) refreshed and enthusiastic for the mammoth but achievable task ahead.
Again, Merry Christmas and a sincere wish for corruption-reduced (free) new year.