The Beatles, the pin up boys of the social revolution that occurred in the 1960’s and ’70s (of which PNG independence was a beneficiary), sang:
But when you talk about destruction
Don’t you know that you can count me out
You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We’d all love to see the plan [more sarcasm]
But if you want money for people with minds that hate
All I can tell you is brother you have to wait
You know it’s going to be alright…
…but for PNG, is it, asks PNG Echo?
The Beatles could easily have been speaking to PNG in this current climate.

For, as the call gets louder and louder for the Prime Minister to step down – to all those calling for this and, as to the future of PNG, I’m asking: (as the Beatles did a generation before) “I’d love to see your plan.”
Because, while the Leader of the Opposition has called O’Neill “surgical and clinical,” in reality, those are not bad attributes for someone who’s been called to lead a developing nation. (Although, the noun (often implied) following those descriptors was “thief”. Not so good!)
On the positive side, this crisis has heralded some excellent changes, regardless of the motivation, such as SABL cancellations (even if not as widespread as first thought) and the raising of the minimum hourly rate.
I also approve of the proposed parliamentary reforms that will effectively curb some of the horse-trading that infects and bastardizes democracy in the parliament.
The changes (if and when passed) will bring the parliament closer to the rule of party ideology instead of the rule of the Big Man.
It’s something that will aid the general population to more easily make an informed choice come election time. At present it’s no secret that most vote for their wantok, or whoever is most generous with the bribes. And why not, they can’t vote for an ideology, there isn’t any, just personalities?
Presently, in the PNG context there is some extremely confusing and contradictory indications, especially in the area of popular support.

For while Peter O’Neill has been getting vilified in the media, in parliament, another four MPs have joined (or are seeking to join) the ruling PNC – of which Peter O’Neill is the head.
These are your chosen representatives PNG. Where’s the consistency or the logic? If they don’t reperesent you, why did you vote for them?
With these new members, the PNC now have 56 of the 111 seats. You do the maths.

If O’Neill could rely on the support of his party, he has no more need for the knighted former Prime Ministers or any other coalition partner for that matter
In my opinion, one party forming government alone would be a good thing.
It’s only from that secure position that a party can establish a political platform and work towards it without having to rely on appeasing coalition partners whose political goals may be at odds.
That’s real stability.
I am not condoning corruption, or suggesting that it should be ignored, it’s just that I have no idea how PNG is going to achieve an honest government with corruption so systemic.
Who will be raised up just to be later torn down (because he will, in all probability also be corrupt)? Will it be: out of the frying pan into the fire, just like it’s been so many times before?
Peter O’Neill, whatever be his sins, has never been particularly cruel or malignant in his dealings with the people (even if the same can’t be said of property). Who else. with leadership aspirations can be said the same of? The thought of some make my blood run cold.
If it’s the Prime Minister’s scalp that PNG wants – the day is getting closer when this lust will likely be appeased – but what then?
I just wish there was someone able to see beyond retribution. Is there?
There is no body out there that can be the Best Prime Minister for PNG in the current Gov. We are better off wtih Peter O’Niel. Let PO remain and we will see changes more. Poeple should not be blinded.
Susan – for a commentator who takes to Beldon Namah with such pointedness (usually warranted) you seem to be doing an awful lot of twisting and turning to avoid applying the same standards to PM O’Neill.