Governing PNG is taking a back seat to power mongering – which seems to be a chronic symptom of the current system.
Maybe now is the time for the People’s National Congress to govern in their own right – and for the rest to form the opposition.
It would serve to cement policy and give the opposition an opportunity to formulate real alternate policy rather than just the empty rhetoric that passes for party platforms.
For example, while the UBS loan has been questioned because of it’s alleged breaches of the constitution and processes – whether it was a sound decision (rather than just legal or illegal) has not been adequately canvassed by the Opposition.
So what would the opposition have done in similar circumstances? Who knows?
And that’s because the Opposition is merely hell-bent on providing itself with a ‘Gotcha’ moment of illegality that would give them an opportunity to wrest power..and what for.?
As the Beatles sang in ‘Revolution’ “We’d all love to see your plan.”
There has never been a more opportune time to establish the two-party system in PNG – and if handled correctly, it could be an organic rather than a legalistic move.
The current political reality in Papua New Guinea is that there is one overwhelmingly strong party and a gaggle of ‘also rans’ (who sometimes form a party of one) most of whom have no qualms in using money to attain power. That’s what needs to be addressed.
Leaders should have followers who follow the leaders ideas and their ability to implement them – too often in Papua New Guinea, leaders just have lots of money and few morals.
I could not agree more Susan. PNC has a big number in Parlmt now & really PNC does not need anybody else’s support/numbers to govern till 2017 General Election.
That, however, will very much depend on how PNC handles its leadership issue when (or if) the PM’s Leadership Tribunal decides to suspend the PM on or after 26th January 2015.
The enemy is really from within PNC Parry itself, and not from outside.
Under its Party Constitution there is provision for only one Deputy Party Leader. That position is currently being occupied by Hon. Mao Zeming, Minister go Fisheries. So if PM is suspended then naturally Mr Zeming should step up and be appointed Acting Acting PM until whatever happens. If, however, PM appoints somebody else then there probably will be a massive crack in that party, and there maybe massive exodus out of PNC party.
I could not agree more with Dr SM. Yes, it’s time for everyone in the parliamentary coalition ranks to leave the government and move across to the opposition, and that also includes the ‘middle-benches’ too; as they are either in government or in the opposition. The reality now is that the country now desperately need both a new PM and OL, as parliament let alone the government is dysfunctional and inefficient in doing what the people expects of them…they can’t all be trusted now and have all as a mob lost all credibility!!!
True observations indeed and high time parliament and its constituents take some bold move to venture into the notion as alluded. I seemingly had this thought when the PNC numbers were brought to attention and it would be nice to see parliament being made up of a government side with a one party ruling and opposition also been made of up equal to several coalition partners. About time some pollies swallow their pride and be counted as real women and men!
Interesting thoughts Susan. Although I’m a little uncomfortable with the “assess the quality of the decision rather than it’s legality”. That’s quite a slippery slope we could start on if we went down that path…
I’m not suggesting that it’s an either/or situation. but the quality of the decision often goes begging in PNG .
It doesn’t work that way in PNG and parties has not developed beyond the party founders, leaders or regions.
Could you post on Facebook sharp talk for comments.
I want to see the reaction.