By PNG Echo.

Unless it is sure that a Vote Of No Confidence (VONC) will be successful, I doubt that any one MP, with the exception of those already on the opposition and middle benches, will vote for it – and numbers there are miniscule – not nearly enough for a successful outcome.
Voting against a government that you are a part of displays disloyalty and NO party/coalition ANYWHERE will put up with vipers in their ranks – and rightly so.
A ruling party needs to be able to count on the loyalty of its members or get rid of them. How can a government be effective if they are at constant risk of getting a knife in their back, wielded by someone from their own ranks?

Polye found this out, to his detriment. There is no room for Mavericks in a ruling party/coalition trying to form policy.
Polye lost out big time. He lost his Ministerial portfolio, his membership of the ruling coalition and also the loyalty of his party who chose to let him go his merry way, without them.
So, if there are plots within O’Neill’s own party/coalition – and that’s probably just idle speculation – they had better be VERY sure of their success or they may find themselves in competition with Polye for the Opposition Leader’s role.
This is the reality of the political situation – and it doesn’t differ elsewhere.
Australia for instance: Those who backed Abbott are now relegated to ‘no man’s land.’ You want to play power politics, you need to understand the rules of the game. Wishing and hoping is not reality. (Note to Sam Basil).

Gary Juffa is right when he pointed out that it will take a lot of money to effect a VONC in this particular political context.
Some day that may change. That day’s not here.
Besides, I shudder to think of those who’d put their hand up to replace the current PM.
Instead of constantly trying to wrest power it would be more useful if everyone helped the mandated government to govern – there are democratic mechanisms, why aren’t they used, or used more effectively?
Is payback the only game in town?
Of course Dr Merrel,that’s how it’s meant to be…This day and age there are a lot of arrogant and narcissistic people hanging about,so yes payback is the only game in town…but it’s a shame that people don’t see it,the way you see it..May God have mercy on the innocent citizens of P.N.G
Well I hope it keeps you warm at night and your children fed.
You must never forget this…politics and crime are the same thing….
Thar’s a new one on me.
It’s the only game in town because clearly the odds are all stacked up against the incumbent PM. But hey, what shadow PM is willing and able to lead the charge with the VoNC banner even if Polye is the only blockage?! Shadow MPs probably need to ask themselves a simple question that the Joker (from the Dark Knight film) asked his partners in crime: “Did your balls drop off?!” What a stalemate! It’s the change the nation needs but not the change our MPs need!
Cunning little general Petrus O’Neillus is probably basking in the sure knowledge that his “shadows'” balls actually dropped off somewhere between idealism and reality.
To the man with the cash bag, may the proceeds of vice lavishly replenish it in perpetuity…
This is the most corrupt government we have seen since independence and I fail to see why some people are willing to protect it at all costs. Yes, I see you have mentioned Australia in your article. If it was Australia, he would have gone ages ago.
As people keep reminding me, you cannot expect western mores and paradigms to apply in PNG. I’ve had a bit of trouble getting my head around this – but finally, I’m understanding. The people only want western style government and justice when it suits them and when traditional practices are not benefitting them. When they start getting what they desire, they revert back to the ‘Melanesian Way’. Someone once said, in jest (and remember, many a true word is said in jest) “I either want corruption to stop or I want more of it.” And that’s a sad truth I’m coming to grips with – many (I believe most, in their heart) are not against corruption at all but are looking for ways to get some for themselves. I mean, over 3000 candidates for 111 parliamentary positions? Unreal! Why do you suppose politics is such a desirable career in PNG?
I’m not a fan of politics or politicians for that matter because for me as a person they are just seasoned people meaning they last only for 5 years and by then some stays on while others are gone. In PNG, to be honest, because we are a developing country, money and greed are two major things that are making everyone going insane in this country. For individuals who are well established and have built their reputation and wealth in this country through sheer hard work and sweat will never in their life want to know or get involved in politics because they will know its corrupt. For those who have tasted and agreed to bite a piece of the cake of which politic bakes will never let go of it in their life but will live by sucking from it as long as their heart is pumping and their lungs still sucking air till they die.