By PNG Echo
It has been difficult to unravel the many and varied thrusts and counter thrusts of the cases of John Mangos and John Tangit when they were both working at PNG Power Ltd (PPL). So, perhaps it’s best to start with the current state of play and work backwards.

John Mangos was charged twice with various offences, firstly relating to his employment contract with PPL and secondly with the allegedly illegal payment to a third party amounting to K62,000. Neither raft of charges got past a committal hearing where the both were found to be lacking in evidence. They were thrown out. Mangos is no longer with PPL.

John Tangit, having been stood down then reinstated, only to be terminated and who is implicated in corruption amounting to millions of dollars (by an independent investigation commissioned by Kumul Holdings and undertaken by a reputable Australian firm of investigators) is now back as at PPL (unconfirmed) having faced no criminal charges whatsoever – scot free – for now. How can this be?
From this information alone, it is reasonable to assume that the charges against Mangos were specious – and that’s certainly what the courts found when they threw them out.

It was Tangit that was the informant who commenced the second raft of charges against Mangos in a letter at the beginning of March this year, that he copied to various people, including the then appropriate Minister Hon William Duma, Paul Nerau, Chairman Kumul Holdings and Fraud Squad officer, Matthew Damaru – that stalwart supporter and enforcer to Sam Koim and the Task Force Sweep team.
So what would have precipitated this malicious and abortive prosecution?
Why would these Fraud Squad officers, who are lauded as exemplary and expert investigators by many, instigate proceedings against someone with so little and such flimsy evidence?

It just could be because the perception of integrity and competency is, in reality…well…just perception. The competency and the motivations of these officers has been seriously impugned by the fact that they, along with Sam Koim’s Task Force Sweep, have lost up to 50% of their cases at committal. Is this incompetence or something far more sinister – because it is either one or the other, there is no third way.
It seems the malicious litigation against Mangos was all to do with the findings of the abovementioned commissioned investigation that Mangos, as Director of PPL, was about to act on.
You see, the Mangos’ arrest and charges strikes a familiar chord – there is a precedent . It has all the hallmarks of a pre-emptive strike to suppress information becoming public – as surely as the ‘arrest’ of Tiffany Twivey was.
NEXT PART: What Tangit did and how did he get away with it? The case against John Tangit
The sooner the National Court judges stop propping up people like Damaru and Koim the better. At least the District Court magistrates are getting it right in throwing out cases that do not have enough evidence.
You Got it WRONG…
This is a COMPLETE BULLSHIT and a WITCH HUNT by this woman whom we can tell from her SIMPLISTIC and PAROCHIAL approach that she is completely Clueless of what she is talking about. A so called Dr…A CRONY OF JOHN MANGOS who should have brains to know that this matter is before courts and she could be charged for making serious character assassination and defamation of character of a young PNGean Corporate Executive like Mr Tangit…
What facts or solid evidence you have….You have nothing but HOT AIR…
Lets just leave it to the Courts to decide …..
I guess you’ve not read the report. And what’s more, according to my reckoning, there is nothing in this matter currently before the courts. Mangos was acquitted in August and there have been no other charges laid (not as far as my inquiries have uncovered). Tangit has got off scot free, so far. The report needs to be acted upon – it’s fairly cut and dried. The evidence against Tangit is legion – all there, spelled out and available. As it’s not before the courts – letting them decide is currently not an option – but there are a few who should be answering to the law. I agree.
Why would this be a witch hunt? I had never heard of Tangit before I investigated this matter for this article. No, I’m afraid that accusation is totally RIDICULOUS (I know where the Cap key is too). What’s more, I am NOT a “so called Dr” – I AM a Dr of Philosophy – neither am I “A CRONY OF JOHN MANGOS” (even when capilalized). Money is missing – there was no evidence of a project when the report was tabled.
Unfortunately for you, Tangit and any of the authorities who may be shielding Tangit – the report marked “Highly Confidential” is not so confidential anymore. There’s no one can say that they didn’t know. They did. If they don’t, I can inform them.
Susan it would be a relief for the country and the PPL staff to hear the truth in regard to the investigation of this issue.If you have the so call “highly confidential”report then have it tabled out to the public.If the investigation has been completed and the cases were thrown out the court for unknown reason than let the truth be reveiled.People have been affected throught this issue.Why holding back the report?? You have the documents and we want the answer.Dont use this blog to discuss the issue because not all Papua New Guineans have acces such information.Be a good advisor where your status states and reveal the truth and not an instigator of issues.
Susan is correct…there is evidence available. John Tangit dried up PNGPOWER. If you do not know the shut up and be a spectator like me. I am good friend of Tangit ad I know from back to front.
Thanks Susan.