By PNG Echo
For women in Papua New Guinea, this week has been variable. There have been both lows and highs.
The good news is that the Strategic Plan to combat violence against women, which is a comprehensive document that understands the need for long-term planning, has been endorsed by the parliamentary National Executive Council (NEC) which is a huge first step in a long journey.
The bad news is that it took the mutilation of a 19-year-old woman who had both her legs chopped off by a jealous husband to wake the relevant department from its reverie (it had had the completed proposal for 15 months, languishing and gathering dust) aided by political pressure from the Governor of the NCDC, Powes Parkop backed by protesting women.

Worst news is that in the interim, between acceptance and implementation, the violence is not over – it continues unabated. The problem needs a band-aid solution immediately while the wheels of progress grind slowly that bring in the more comprehensive set of goals
Because just a few days after the NEC ratified the document the newspapers told of a 12-year-old girl (in fact three girls/women – I don’t know the age of the other two) who were gang raped by 50 men over two days before they were released.
But what is most shocking to me is that none of the established women’s groups in Papua New Guinea had been moved enough by the leg amputation incident to voice their horror and disgust until the ‘wait meri’ did – informed by yet another ‘wait meri.’.
And when it looked like some positive action may come of the agitation, only then did many come to the fore.
This does not augur well for the future.
You see, one of the leading women’s organisations claimed ‘enough is enough’ back four years ago when Kepari Leniata was burned alive after being tortured – but it just wasn’t, was it? In those four years, enough has not been even nearly enough and when the report hit the newspapers of this recent shocking incident (the leg amputations) where were they?
If the price of freedom is eternal vigilance then where too were the raised voices of PNG’s women’s movements when the next shocking rape incident was reported nationally, so close to the first – just yesterday.
History informs us that nothing is given to women easily and if the struggle to live without fear is to become a reality for PNG women then the women’s movements cannot let up on the pressure. They need to be constantly vigilant.
Each and every atrocity must be forcefully and loudly condemned.
It’s a tall order, I know – but it’s the eternal vigilance needed to effect the desired change. If the current leaders and members of the women’s movement are not prepared to do this, they need to pass the baton, graciously, on to someone who is.
What’s more, the women’s movements need to decide what they are really about – there are many worthy causes and so many women’s movements have been co-opted to those supplementary causes to their own detriment.
In many developing countries and former colonies, for instance, the race issue has overshadowed the women’s issues – and that certainly happened on December 16 in Port Moresby where racism was both palpable and rife – and perpetrated by some (not all) women against other women.

In fact, a woman who had done all the hard yards organising the protest was effectively sidelined – she was Indian and hence as unworthy as the wait meri. They should have been embraced as women but they were shunned because of their race.
This is unforgivable in a movement that’s all about opposition to abuse of women.
All women understand fear of male-perpetrated violence. Besides, in PNG there are many ‘wait meris’ and women of all ethnicities attacked by men – all women are vulnerable.
What’s more, while it is desirable to have the backing of men in this struggle – it must not become a ‘man’s issue.’
I was alarmed when a speaker at the press conference that preceded the 16 December rally by a couple of days spoke of the rape of males. Now while this is terrible, it is not within the purview of the women’s movement. By all means, start another movement to combat this because while it may seem interrelated, so is every issue in one way or another and the movement is there to curb the violence against women – the far greater of the two evils.
If we, in the women’s movement, have learned anything from history it is that the struggle will neither be won by a half-hearted effort nor by ostracising some committed women because they are the wrong colour.
Nor indeed will it be won by letting any extraneous issues co-opt and derail the goals.
Leaders of these movements have a grave responsibility because if they drop the ball it will be more likely that another woman will be beaten, maimed, mutilated or killed. I wouldn’t want that on my conscience.
Yes, totally agree with the sjort sighted, unrevealed, not told, not fiscussed,etc to the public. GBV must be a public agenda especially in the community (villages snd settlements).
The Churchs and Denominations, Para Churchs, etc must contribute ideas, means, way forwards together. We have the PNG Council of Churchs, Melanesian Council of Churchs and other gtoups. We need to vome together. Thamk you.
other groups.
other gtoup
Have you lost your way in an old Welsh coal mine, Doctor – no posts for almost two months – nothing worth pontificating about?
How nice of you to miss me. I’ve been concentrating on the new book who’s launch is imminent – within the next 4 weeks. I’ll be sure to let you know.
What is the book about?
Stay tuned – not long now.
How on earth did males come to exist on this planet? Why attack the womb that creates human beings. The trend now towards females is of a sick society that has no respect at all for humans and what humans create for society’s enjoyment and support for existing on this planet.
Since 1974 I have been witnessing sometimes Horrific domestic violence throughout PNG but the Highlands were really the worst. I have tried to help where I could which on many occasions just meant running the victim to the nearest Clinic for treatment . The most frightening thing was seeing the victim heading back to her husband in bandages a day or two later. No need to analyze the reasons.
In an attempt to try to put a brake on this I introduced a small section into my morning meetings ( which sometimes numbers over 100 workers ) education on Domestic Violence. It has become a standard on my sites now. Lukoatim Mama! And especially to guys going out on break. Even if it prevented one episode then it has worked. I am not sure if any other project/site managers do this but it is a small step that may have a bit of influence on behavior Of course everybody is enthusiastic when the subject is talked about but I know many are just paying lip service to the problem
It’s a good initiative. If only everyone would do just a little – then a lot would be achieved. It would be good if communities would self-regulate – keep a check on their own and their neighbour’s aberrations. The real problem is convincing the population that beating women isn’t OK.