We at PNG Echo have a soft spot for Bougainville and with the issuing of writs for the upcoming election being scheduled for 27 September and with voting to commence on 23 November, we intend to produce a series of articles and commentary on Bougainville – we hope they will prove informative and helpful.
For myself, having an abiding interest in political nationalism and having studied it extensively, especially in my country of birth, Wales – well, it only stands to reason that Bougainville is close to my heart.
As such, I intend to produce a comparison of Bougainville’s march to independence with a situation when the UK also held a referendum for (not independence but) devolution.
There are so many parallels that they are worth remarking on. I’m onto it. Expect it early next week. If you have subscribed, you will be informed as soon as it is published (the ‘subscribe’ button is on the left-hand side half way down the front page.)
Also stay tuned for a few words of caution from Martin Miriori – a name to be conjured with in Bougainville, Solomon Islands and PNG (to be published this afternoon).
It’s a name that punctuates the past of Bougainville and looks like being a force in the future.
This and so much more to be published over the coming days/weeks! (If you’ve subscribed you will be informed as soon as anything is published.)
I also welcome any contributions from interested parties – whatever side of the political debate. Please send to me at susanmerrell13@gmail.com
I proceed with the understanding that most, if not all, of my readers, are aware of what’s happening in Bougainville and that no explanation of past events is necessary. However, if you feel you need that explanation, please type in ‘Bougainville’ into the ‘search’ feature at the top right-hand side of the home page and you will find some articles that may help. Otherwise, just click these links.

Thank you and don’t forget to subscribe and come back for the publication of the first edition of the emag ‘PNG Echo’ tomorrow where you’ll find even more on Bougainville and the ‘taim bepo’ – some things about which many would be unaware. Happy reading