Tall tales and true: Strategically yours

By Susan Merrell I’m a journalist, people tell me things – lots of things. The information ranges from the factual to the fanciful and everything in between. Some want to see justice done through the media, others just want their story told, while some try to use the media, through me, for mischievous purposes and for all sorts of reasons, including to make me appear foolish and gullible by publishing their lies. So I’m cautious, but just occasionally a story is run past me that is so fantastical, so amusing that it would be a travesty not to share it. Continue reading Tall tales and true: Strategically yours

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The Paraka case: Losing the forest amongst the trees.

By PNG Echo. Although the Paraka case exposes the biggest corruption ring ever prosecuted in Papua New Guinea, lately the prosecution of just one man has taken over, to the seeming exclusion of all others – the case of the Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill.  He is a huge spreading tree camouflaging the rest of the forest. In part, this is the fault of the Prime Minister himself who has stubbornly refused to be questioned by police. His refusal, and the machinations to avoid doing so, has divided the police force and, as in 2011, has pitted the executive against the Continue reading The Paraka case: Losing the forest amongst the trees.

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