The Defense of Task Force Sweep (Who’s funding Koim?)

By PNG Echo (Keep reading to the end where the document that answers the question is supplied.) It was the National Executive Council (NEC) that established Task Force Sweep and it was the NEC that terminated the agency. But Sam Koim couldn’t accept the inevitable. He was enjoying his elevated and internationally lauded position, notwithstanding his inexperienced and inept management of the agency that saw only half of his prosecutions make it through a committal hearing and of many of those that have, have been an unnecessary failure, according to a concerned legal expert. Koim recently stated of the decommissioning Continue reading The Defense of Task Force Sweep (Who’s funding Koim?)

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More Fraud Squad cases unravel

By PNG Echo What do Attorney General, Ano Pala, Aloysius Hamou and Francis Potape have in common? Well, while the recent circus that was the Vote of No Confidence was keeping the whole nation entertained and distracted, in the nation’s courts, the three, abovementioned, gentlemen’s criminal charges were being overturned, quashed, and disallowed. All three were cases being prosecuted on behalf of the Fraud Squad – featuring Messrs Gitua and Damaru. These cases have been variously found to be incompetent, ill–conceived, or both as indeed was the case against Justice Sakora – thrown out too. Other Fraud Squad cases still Continue reading More Fraud Squad cases unravel

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