A lay-down misère: The PMs court case.

By PNG Echo The Prime Minister played a winning hand. In fact, so good were his cards that he had that very rare commodity in a card game – a ‘lay-down misère’. A lay-down misère is a hand so good that it is played in full view of the other players with no risk.  It’s brazen and it’s shamelessly triumphant. However, you would be forgiven for thinking that the Prime Minister may have ‘stacked the deck’ by removing all the opponent’s trumps (Sam Koim, ITFS, Thomas Eluh, Kerenga Kua…) with one of the last being dissenting Solicitor-General, Ms Jubilee Tindiwi. Continue reading A lay-down misère: The PMs court case.

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Koim’s Poison Chalice

A chalice is a ceremonial cup, often bearing a drink that confers upon the drinker a blessing – as in the Christian Eucharist. Traditionally, when someone received a chalice it was in connection with the gaining of high status – it is used in modern times as a metaphor for achieving a high and prestigious office – but what if that chalice does not carry the expected blessing but instead contains poison, asks PNG Echo? It’s no picnic fighting corruption in PNG; just ask Sam Koim. Koim’s fall from official favour (if not public grace) has been swift and it’s Continue reading Koim’s Poison Chalice

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