The demise of Belden Norman Namah: The kingmaker who would be king,

Sole MP in PNG Party and one of only three remaining MPs in the parliamentary opposition that he leads, Belden Norman Namah says he feels “betrayed” – quite rightly so, he has been. But, under the circumstances, why is he surprised? They say that he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword. In Namah’s case, the proverbial ‘sword’ was money – and if money was the means of his political rise, then, that this should also be the cause of his fall is poetic, writes PNG Echo.

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The Paraka case: Losing the forest amongst the trees.

By PNG Echo. Although the Paraka case exposes the biggest corruption ring ever prosecuted in Papua New Guinea, lately the prosecution of just one man has taken over, to the seeming exclusion of all others – the case of the Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill.  He is a huge spreading tree camouflaging the rest of the forest. In part, this is the fault of the Prime Minister himself who has stubbornly refused to be questioned by police. His refusal, and the machinations to avoid doing so, has divided the police force and, as in 2011, has pitted the executive against the Continue reading The Paraka case: Losing the forest amongst the trees.

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