West Papua: Australia’s backyard ‘genocide’ continues

By Hilda Wayne In a village in West Papua, a young Benny Wenda watched as Indonesian military forced his Melanesian aunties to wash themselves by the river ‘ to clean themselves up’ before they were raped. One of Benny’s aunts had her baby ripped from her arms and thrown to the ground before she, the mother, was also raped. Both baby and mother sustained fatal injuries. They died. Severe internal injuries were what eventually killed the West Papuan father of Wiwince Pigome, sustained many years before at the hands of the Indonesian military. Wiwince’s family were from Wamena and her Continue reading West Papua: Australia’s backyard ‘genocide’ continues

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Abuse of Social Media.

By PNG Echo He’s not a lawyer, nor a journalist: Bryan Kramer is the thrice-rejected parliamentary candidate for the seat of Madang. In spite of what he’s not, globalization and the democratization of the media means that he commands an audience far greater than his expertise warrants. Tim Nichols in The Federalist in his essay ‘Death of expertise’ writes: …democracy, […] denotes a system of government, not an actual state of equality. It means that we enjoy equal rights versus the government, and in relation to each other. Having equal rights does not mean having equal talents, equal abilities, or Continue reading Abuse of Social Media.

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