PMs arrest warrant: Facts without context

By PNG Echo. As this article goes to press, I’ve been reliably informed that the PM and his lawyers are still in court, presumably getting the arrest warrant stayed or overturned When ABC Australia’s Liam Cochrane broke the news today that there was an arrest warrant out for the Prime Minister Peter O’Neill in the Paraka matter, it sparked a flurry of jubilation in the social media as the pack that had been baying for the blood of the Prime Minister thought that this was their moment – their vindication – payback.

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Let the courts decide (again)

By PNG Echo The National Court’s decision (June 11) to stay the directive from the Ombudsman’s Commission (OC) forbidding the repayment of the UBS loan until the results of a Judicial Review is heard – is yet another instance of a country that is becoming unnecessarily litigious and overly reliant on the judicial system.  Excessive legalism One could be forgiven for thinking that a punitive ‘legalism’ is standing in the stead of sound judgement in PNG. So concerned are the populace with law enforcement that it serves as a smokescreen for other urgent and relevant questions that so often go Continue reading Let the courts decide (again)

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